Bloomberg Data License provides a cost-effective source for price and reference data in applications where a real time tick stream is not required, such as Excel. In combination with the B2N Excel Adaptor the Excel user sees it as “just another data source”.
The B2N Data License adaptor for the MarketHub platform allows applications to treat the Bloomberg Data License service as if it were any other data source, using the same APIs, data handling logic, state and data quality management.
The adaptor manages the data request schedule intelligently to minimise the Bloomberg request fees and automatically detects symbols that are not requested after a (configurable) period and drops them from the schedule.
As well as delivering the data to the requesting application the data is persisted in a SQL database and multiple requests for the same symbol are serviced from here rather than from the Bloomberg service. Any fills, updates and corrections to data are applied to the persistent storage and delivered to subscribers.